The hot temperatures of August continually dropped, due to the cooler winds blowing in all day. It was a welcome relief to The Farmer as he toiled about his daily chores. And tonight, as he slipped into bed, the distant thunder rolling through the clouds began to lull The Farmer into a much needed night of rest.
The welcome sound of the peaceful rain lightly falling upon the metal roof of the barn began to slowly wash away all active thoughts of the busy day. How nice it would be to get a rain this time of year, when normally the weather was hot and dry.
Nevertheless, the rumble of the incoming storm wasn’t too far away, and the flash of lightening that quickly followed lit up the sky. And then a closer rumble and a loud boom—another flash of lightening—more rumbling—longer and deeper—and a brighter flash shooting across the skyline. And then suddenly…Crash! Boom! The heavens opened up, as barrels of water were dumped from the sky! Then there was no distance between the crash of the thunder… the flash of the lightening… and BOOM! …The Farmer was startled from sleep as the walls of his room were shaken!
As he walked through the house checking to make sure all was secure, his thoughts were consumed with the dread of disaster that awaited him in the morning. There would be no more rest for The Farmer that night.
As we all know, Missouri weather tends to be very unpredictable, and this year we’ve seen a lot of storms blow in. One stormy night, not too long ago, we got 6” of rain and another 4” a few days later. You can imagine how hard and wicked the rain had to come to get that much water on the ground.
Needless to say, that causes a lot of flooding anywhere there is water. And where there is flooding there are fallen trees in the field, debris left behind by rising creeks, and washed away water gaps. And with a gravel driveway, that goes up hill both ways, that much water, in that short of time, washes all the rock right into the hayfields. This has kept The Farmer very busy.
Another problem arising is that he hasn’t been able to get into the hayfield to actually get up the hay. Although he has a lot of his hay up, he needs another cutting or two to get enough to get us through the winter. However, on the bright side, it’s the middle of August and we have GREEN pastures! So, for now, the cows are very happy!